
Tingru WANG Partner
Intellectual Property
+86 183 1082 8697 tingru.wang@js-hmkj.com Beijing

Tingru Wang is a partner at Merits & Tree. Prior to joining Merits & Tree, Mr. Wang was an attorney at ChangTsi & Partners, and also worked for other reputable IP firms.


Mr. Wang's main practice area is intellectual property law, with a focus on trademark legal service. Mr. Wang has more than ten years of experience in trademark legal services, and is able to provide legal services for the whole life cycle of trademarks, including trademark prosecution, trademark enforcement, trademark transaction, trademark strategy design, inbound and outbound trademark service. Mr. Wang has represented his clients in many cases that were selected by local authorities as Representative Case Law, and Mr. Wang is particularly known to his clients for his business-driven mindset that enables him to provide trademark legal service always with considerations to the satisfaction of the client’s commercial concepts. Mr. Wang’s clients include Fortune Global 500, Internet leading companies and overseas well-known law firms.

  • Representing Best Buy (US) to obtain registration for its house mark BEST BUY at China Supreme Court.
  • Representing Macmillan Publishers (UK) to get back its house Chinese mark by trademark invalidation and litigation.
  • Representing Arkray (Japan) to win a civil lawsuit against copycat product producer.  
  • Representing AutoZone (US) to settle with its Chinese vendor for contract dispute and trademark dispute.
  • Representing Giorgio Armani (Italy) to take back its Chinese house mark on cosmetics squattered by a trademark pirate.
  • Representing the Lao Gan Ma (China) to win a contract dispute case at China Supreme Court.
  • Representing Tsinghua University (China) to obtain TRO in a dispute of invention and trade secret.
  • Representing Carnegie (US) to win a civil lawsuit against a competitor for trademark infringement, copyright infringement and unfair competition.
  • Representing Charles Schwab (US) to win a civil lawsuit against unauthorized use of the client’s Chinese mark.
  • Representing Johnson & Johnson (US) in trademark dispute with a counterfeiter which faked client’s glucose test paper, and the dispute involves trademark invalidation, trademark invalidation litigation, criminal prosecution and raid actions.
  • Representing Apple Inc. (US) in two reviews of non-acceptance cases against CTMO and solve dispute through settlement.
  • Representing Campbell Soup (US) to conduct China trademark Due Diligence in its acquisition of Danish Kjeldsens.
  • Assisting many Chinese companies to protect their trademarks worldwide.
  • Juris Master, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Juris Master, University of International Business and Economics, P.R.C.
  • PRC Bar
  • California Bar
  • China Patent Bar
Chinese  English

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